Monday, December 1, 2008

Getting down with the sickness

On the plus side, having massive traveller's sickness that confines you to your hotel room for two days gave me the chance to watch a lot of cricket. I don't know the difference yet between a Test and an ODI (One Day International), but I get the basic rules of the game. Also, it has helped convince Laura and I that paying a little extra for nicer hotel rooms is OK. The cheapie place we were in before was OK for the price, but not the kind of bed you want to stay on for several days. My back hurts.

You don't want to hear about the rest.

Oh, one quick anecdote. My middle-of-the-night-emergency-mode seems to be well honed. All was well with the world (or at least my intestines) when I went to bed. When my body woke me in the middle of the night, however, I tried to roll over and sleep it off. It quickly became clear that sleeping wasn't going to be an option. Within seconds I was out of bed with my bathroom slippers on, turned on the light in the bathroom, got the bathroom door open and was croutched over the bowl in perfect position with both lid and seat up. Perfect aim, no holding back, just letting it out. I don't know how I accomplished it.

"Do you need anything?" Laura called from the bed.

"No, thanks, I'm fine." Aside from the heaving, of course.

"Try to brush your teeth if you can," she called again.

I did before coming to bed.

The second time I awoke that night my aim wasn't so good. No problem, though. That's what they have the wash buckets for. A little well-directed water clears away the mess.

The system of floor drainage in the bathrooms here is well thought-out. Dad, you'd be impressed.

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